Some of you, who came across the term ‘3D sound’, probably are wondering what it actually is? Intuitively, we may understand it by analogy to 3D space, which as we know is made up of three dimensions: width, depth, and height. In real life, any position in space is characterized by these dimensions. Now imagine, that you are outside, for example in a park, full of various sounds. You can hear children laughing on the playground behind you; a dog is barking on your left, a couple of people are talking while sitting on a bench in front of you – you can hear their voices more and more clearly when you move towards them. We may say that you are in the 3-dimensional sound space. When you move, the sound you hear changes as well, corresponding to the position of your ears (its intensity, direction, height and even timbre). Reproducing this natural human way of hearing in the recording isn’t easy, however, we already have the technology which allows us to do it – it is binaural and Ambisonics sound.
The most common type of recordings – which you hear while listening to the music on your computer or watching TV –is stereo. You may also come across mono recordings but these have been outdated with the introduction of stereo mixing. Stereo sound basically allows you only to hear if the sound comes from left or right which is the main advantage over the mono-type of audio. Bellow, you may find some great recordings that will allow you to hear the difference between these different formats. We have also summarized their characteristics in the bullet points, to present the information most clearly.
#zylia #binaural #ambisonics #3Daudio #surround #spatial #sound
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New ZYLIA Streaming Application allows you to set up binaural and Ambisonics audio streaming on your Mac computer with no need off using Digital Audio Workstation. It’s FREE for all current ZYLIA Ambisonics Converter owners. So available for users of the ZYLIA PRO Ambisonics and ZYLIA PRO Have it all! sets.
How can you use 3D audio streaming?
To set up binaural and Ambisonics audio streaming you will need the following prerequisites:
Learn everything about ZYLIA Streaming Application with the following video presentation: In the video we cover:
August 2023