We are happy to announce a new release of ZYLIA ZM-1 driver for the Windows systems.
The new version of driver contains ZYLIA Control Panel which allows the user to control ZYLIA ZM-1 input gain, LED brightness and generate support data. The gain control feature allows you to increase a digital gain of ZYLIA ZM-1 input signal up to 70 dB using ZYLIA Control Panel. The gain amount is stored in the system, so if your recording conditions don't change there is no need to set it before the next session.
New release of ZYLIA Ambisonics Converter v1.3.0 and ZYLIA Ambisonics Converter Plugin v1.3.04/18/2019 We are happy to announce the new releases of ZYLIA Ambisonics Converter v1.3.0 and ZYLIA Ambisonics Converter Plugin v1.3.0 Main changes and improvements are as follows:
Other changes: We are thrilled to present you the new ZYLIA ZM-1 driver with a long-waited gain control possibility. This feature introduced by Zylia Team is the answer for our clients’ request and feedback. The gain control feature allows you to increase a digital gain of ZYLIA ZM-1 input signal up to 70 dB using ZYLIA Control Panel as well as the Audio MIDI Setup application. The gain amount is stored in the system, so if your recording conditions don't change there is no need to set it before the next session. ZYLIA Control Panel Audio MIDI Setup application Watch this tutorial for step-by-step instructions.
We are happy to announce the new release of ZYLIA Studio PRO v1.5.1
Main changes and improvements are as follows: BUG-FIXES
August 2023